Ducro Funeral Services has served Ashtabula County since 1853. Ducro Funeral Services is comprised of three funeral home locations; Ducro Funeral Home and Zaback-Williams-Ducro Funeral Home in Ashtabula, and Williams-Ducro Funeral Home in Pierpont.
Ducro Funeral Services is committed to excellence in the funeral profession. We offer caring, compassionate, and professional care while serving our families. From the moment we receive notification of the loss of your loved one, we strive to give our utmost attention to detail regarding your concerns.
We stand behind our reputation and will continue to serve our community with the values instilled by our funeral directors. In 1847, John Peter Ducro, a master cabinet maker, emigrated from Prussia to New England and to Cherry Valley, then Jefferson, and eventually to Ashtabula, (uptown and to the Harbor on Bridge Street), all part of the Connecticut Land Grant in the heart of the Western Reserve.
Ducro Funeral Services and Crematory maintains the highest standards of excellence in service. We offer many meaningful extras at no additional cost for every family we serve. From your very first call, our family and staff is here to meet your every need. Ducro Services offers a variety of Cremation and Burial services, to better memorialize your loved ones.
This section contains useful information on the services we provide such as aftercare services, pet cremations as well as limousine services. Often a loved one has a special hobby that reflects his or her interests and personality. It could be fishing, an avid interest in old cars, sailing, power boating, model trains, quilting, football, cooking, gardening.
Reviews (9)
Cheryl Teter
May 21, 2022
Ducro Funeral Services are first class. Megan made sure everything was taken care of with knowledge and compassion. All of our special requests were accommodated. We can't thank J.P. and Ducro Services enough for guiding us through this difficult time. My family and I highly recommend their services.
Tia Woodard
Apr 09, 2022
Jim Whitbread
Apr 08, 2022
Victoria Miller
Feb 17, 2022
Ducro Funeral services truly deserves all 5 stars! My mother passed away on Christmas Eve evening. JP himself and his staff attended to our needs without ever missing a beat, as if they did not have their own family and festivities going on. Every part of the services were personal and perfect, fit for a queen. We can not thank them enough for their professionalism, availability and guidance during this most difficult time. (We chose the horse drawn hearse which was a special touch in our opinion.)
David Garber
Dec 05, 2021
The entire staff at the Ducro Funeral Home was incredibly professional. Their kindness and compassion made a very difficult situation for my family very manageable. The personal touches they offer make all the difference in rememberance of your loved one. JP has created a family type atmosphere as he and his staff will be with you every step of the way. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you to everyone involved in the services for Annette Garber. I could not have done it without them.
Bethany Joyave
Nov 20, 2021
Deryl Nazor
Nov 12, 2021
Dj Palm
Jan 03, 2021
VERY unhappy. They didn't listen to us the family that said nothing about planting a tree or buying things from their (not sure what it was called) like tribute store. However they assured us they would post it as well as put something out at the funeral for donations but instead there was nothing at the funeral and ONLY on one of the 3+ obituaries is where i FINALLY found one small place at the bottom with $0 collected.
That's very understandable seeing how hard I looked before I FINALLY found the one place. However, they were consistent in that on everyone of the obituaries they put the WRONG birthdate and have still NOT corrected it. Ron was born on August 13, 1948 not 2021 and he died on February 6, 2021. Also they knew money was VERY tight and ALL of us heard the one man talk about a casket rental of $99 for the viewing (since he will be cremated) but when another man came in the first man (I'm trying to leave their names out of it) denied ever saying anything at all like that even when we repeatedly questioned him.
I have since learned that in these situations many places have ways to handle this with no charge at all. Instead, we were charged $495.00. That makes it that much harder for me to pay this bill especially as I keep running into one thing after another like finding out that there's no life insurance. I know we all felt very bad even asking what happened about the rental.
Since we all loved him VERY MUCH, it hurt deeply trying to go the cheapest we could without being disrespectful but the reality is money is tight. I guess it's ok as long as Ron knows how much he was loved and wasn't here to see us squeezing on the money. I will say they were surprisingly fast with the death certificates which I appreciated very much. posted by his wife Dorothy
That's very understandable seeing how hard I looked before I FINALLY found the one place. However, they were consistent in that on everyone of the obituaries they put the WRONG birthdate and have still NOT corrected it. Ron was born on August 13, 1948 not 2021 and he died on February 6, 2021. Also they knew money was VERY tight and ALL of us heard the one man talk about a casket rental of $99 for the viewing (since he will be cremated) but when another man came in the first man (I'm trying to leave their names out of it) denied ever saying anything at all like that even when we repeatedly questioned him.
I have since learned that in these situations many places have ways to handle this with no charge at all. Instead, we were charged $495.00. That makes it that much harder for me to pay this bill especially as I keep running into one thing after another like finding out that there's no life insurance. I know we all felt very bad even asking what happened about the rental.
Since we all loved him VERY MUCH, it hurt deeply trying to go the cheapest we could without being disrespectful but the reality is money is tight. I guess it's ok as long as Ron knows how much he was loved and wasn't here to see us squeezing on the money. I will say they were surprisingly fast with the death certificates which I appreciated very much. posted by his wife Dorothy
Maddy Greene
Dec 23, 2020
After losing our father and a husband of 43 years unexpectedly, Ducro offered a phenomenal service for our family. I just had to leave a review and I never do this. Everyone that we dealt with throughout the cremation process, picking out urns and remembrance necklace lockers for ashes, finalizing paperwork and receiving my fathers ashes and death certificates, was so polite and understanding.
While emotions were haywire as they usually are at this time, we felt that they took priority for our family and focused on our immediate and individual needs per person. I highly recommend Ducro in Ashtabula! Thank you all for helping us through. I know my father was taken care of.
While emotions were haywire as they usually are at this time, we felt that they took priority for our family and focused on our immediate and individual needs per person. I highly recommend Ducro in Ashtabula! Thank you all for helping us through. I know my father was taken care of.