The ten passenger stretch limousine I operate charters for 75.00/hr.. Pick-up/Drop-off service(transfers) are available for a flat rate of 125.00. There is a two hour minimum on the hourly charters which goes up to three hours on Fri./Sat. After 6:00PM. Call for a personalized estimate or if you have any questions about chartering a limousine.
Served areas
- Greater Charleston, SC region
Highlights and features
- Hourly rates and Transfers available.
- In business going on nine years
- Fully licensed and insured
Limousine Options

Michael Brennan
In business for almost nine years now as the owner and driver of every charter, Michael Brennan has the background and experience to address any concerns you have about chartering a limousine. With an intimate knowledge of the Charleston area, I can offer insight and suggestions on destinations, vendors, and even activities you may wish to consider.

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